Monday, October 19, 2009

BlockBreaker Revisited

I've been working on "BlockBreaker" again, and having considerably troubles. I haven't been able to clear up the blurry/choppy movement of the ball. Further, even after spending a whole day on collisions detection, it still isn't where I want it to be. After some considerable improvements to it, I am now to the point where I'm looping through all of the objects and testing them for collision with the ball. This obviously isn't correct. I will have to learn how to find the nearest block and only test that one. So there is more learning to do.

Besides the problems, the game is working very well. Collision works great when the ball does not strike more than one block at the same time. I can't simply calculate 'first hit', because the first hit may not be the closest.

I want to clear up the problems, but I'm also happy with the progress. The game needs sound and a graphical tweaking. The only real engine coding left to do is high score and the transition between levels.

I've actually considered designing an rpg style breakout game, similar to Puzzle Quest. Breakout does not need to consist only of hitting a ball with a paddle.

Tonight for my coding time, I'm going to look into finding the nearest block, and then into smoothing the ball animation. Maybe I'm still timing everything wrong.

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